Conference on "Social inclusion through parasport - ParaInspired

The goals and activities of the project were presented at the conference, with a common message from all project partners that regardless of individual possibilities and abilities, sport knows no limits and is available to everyone.

On Tuesday, June 18, 2019, the Opening Conference of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Project Serbia - Bosnia and Herzegovina "Social Inclusion through Parasport - ParaInspired!" was held in the premises of the Municipality of Indjija.

It is a project implemented by the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Provincial Secretariat for Sports and Youth of Vojvodina, the European Affairs Fund of Vojvodina and the Municipality of Indjija, with the aim of integrating people with disabilities into society using sports and sports activities as universal human values.

The goals and activities of the project were presented at the conference, with a common message from all project partners that regardless of individual possibilities and abilities, sport knows no limits and is available to everyone.

After the conference, a meeting of project partners was organized to agree on the next steps in the implementation of activities.

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