Ongoing projects

RINGS – Road towards Innovative Governance of NOCs and Grassroots Sport Organisations

Duration: 01.01.2020. – 30.06.2022.

RINGS Consortium:

  1. EOC EU Office – coordinator
  2. National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of Denmark, Danska
  3. Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee, Slovačka
  4. National Olympic Committee of Lithuania, Litvanija
  5. Turkish Olympic Committee, Turska
  6. National Olympic Committee of Italy, Italija
  7. Hellenic Olympic Committee, Grčka
  8. The Cyprus National Olympic Committee, Kipar
  9. Liechtenstein Olympic Committee, Lihtenštajn
  10. National Olympic Committee of Belgium, Belgija
  11. Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH
  12. National Olympic Committee and Sports Confederation of the Netherlands, Nizozemska
  13. Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Njemačka

General aim of the project:

The aim of the project is to recognise and develop good practices, as well as recommendations for strategic leadership of a modern NOC in Europe. Likewise, the developed tools will assist NOCs in implementing their everyday activities. NOC will become stronger, flexible and better equipped for the future. 

Specific aims:

NOCs operate in an environment which is rapidly changing and creates new challenges that require modern governance and strategic leadership. NOCs, as organisations, have to adapt faster in a changing environment, as well as to take into account the voice of different stakeholders.

NOCs are in daily exchange with different stakeholders such as athletes, members, governments, sponsors and are expected to have the competence to work with a variety of topics such as participation and sport for all, inclusion and non-discrimination, education of the Olympic values, new emerging sports (e.g. e-sports), sustainability (financial, environmental etc.), lack of volunteers. 

How to manage a modern NOC to cope with the above-mentioned issues/challenges? The objective of the project is to develop recommendations and tools for the NOCs to support their strategic leadership and governance, as well as their modernisation and innovation, in order to safeguard their role as umbrella organisations of sport and as a crucial part of civil society.

Main activites

  • Organise Strategy Labs with NOC senior management, academics and other experts
  • Identify, analyse and disseminate good practice examples
  • Organise training sessions and share the outcomes
  • Development of an online toolkit on stakeholder involvement, public affairs and change management


Project will use, as a starting point, the tasks of the NOCs as defined in the Olympic Charter, Agenda 2020, and other relevant documents, and help the NOCs to face the challenges of their daily work. Furthermore, the project would involve different kinds of NOCs depending on their role in their country (e.g. “pure” NOC, NOC which is also an umbrella organisation of sport including sport for all, NOC which is also a Paralympic Committee) to take into account the different challenges for the NOCs.

An online platform to improve the strategic thinking skills of an NOC will be developed with practical recommendations and tools for three main areas (change management, communication with and involvement of stakeholders and public affairs). Different roles and the staff resources of the NOCs would be taken into account in the development.

Change Management (how the NOCs are managing the upcoming challenges e.g. eSports, demographic changes etc.) and how to manage the organisation’s change accordinglydemographic changes etc.) and how to manage the organisation’s change accordingly

  • will provide practical solutions for the NOCs to deal with a constantly changing environment and implement changes in the NOC.

Communication with and involvement of stakeholders (athletes, members, governments, sponsors, media etc.)

  • will provide tools for the stakeholders involvement taking into account the staff resources and the role of the NOC etc.

Public Affairs (political agenda setting, media, social media, communication etc.)

  • will provide tools and skills for communication, including social media and advocacy/lobbying work taking into account the staff resources, the role of the NOC etc.

Change management, involvement of stakeholders, public affairs

  • Master presentation and training material for national Training Workshops

Change management, involvement of stakeholders, public affairs

  • online platform on strategic management with all tools and change management guidelines

Athletes Becoming Social Entrepreneurs! Developing a Gamification Based Social Entrepreneurship Training Program for Athletes - SENTA

Duration: 01.01.2019. – 31.12.2020.

SENTA Consortium:

  1. Helse-og Idrettsforeingen (Norveška) - coordinator
  2. Fundacion Universitaria San Antonio (Španija) - partner
  3. National University of Physical Education And Sport of Bucharest (Rumunija) - partner
  4. European Network of Sport Education (Austrija) - partner
  5. Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bugarska) - partner
  6. Nattional Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) - partner
  7. Love From The Inside Wellness Society (Kanada) - partner
  8. AfricaCO2e - Academy & Leadership Development Institute Brussels (Belgija) - partner

Aim of the project: contribute to innovative approaches to social entrepreneurship through an innovative curriculum and gamification based training modules in line with talented, elite and retired athletes needs and expectations.

Project activities 

  • Research activities (collection of evidence-based data via informal way, literature review, field research activities (questionnaire study and interviewing), focus group meetings)
  • Development of an innovation course curriculum on social entrepreneurship in the field of sport
  • Development of a gamification based training modules on social entrepreneurship for athletes
  • Transnational learning activity (informal education way) to test the gamification based training modules for athletes
  • Pilot scheme to test the gamification based training modules as digitally for athletes
  • Multiplier sport events in order to disseminate intellectual outputs of the project

Integration of elite athletes into the labour market through the valorisation of transversal skills – ELIT-IN

Duration: 01.01.2018. – 31.12.2020.

ELIT-in Consortium:

  1. Universitat de les Illes Balears – Coordinator
  2. Centro sportivo italiano - partner
  3. Portuguese swimming federation - partner
  4. Fundaçao do sporto - partner
  5. ICSS Europe- partner
  6. Lietuvos sporto Federaciju Sajunga - partner
  7. Fundación Sevilla futbol club - partner
  8. Greater Manchester basketball club - partner
  9. Federación Andaluza de Natación - partner
  10. Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina - partner
  11. Sport and Citizenship – partner
  12. University of Ljubljana Faculty of sports - partner

Main aim of the project:

In order to accomplish high performance elite athletes have acquired and improved a set of skills throughout their dual career which are necessary to achieve optimal professional performances which are highly sought after at the labour market.

Specific aims:

  • To create a guide of best practices on the valorization and recognition of transversal competences or life skills of elite athletes.
  • To design a methodological guide for the identification and recognition of the transversal competences acquired by high performance athletes throughout their sports careers, as well as for the tutoring and accompaniment of them towards their full socio-labour insertion.
  • To create and implement a training package aimed at elite athletes in the field of transversal competences that are more difficult to acquire through sport practice, but very important in businesses.
  • To develop and implement a quality label at European level for recognizing organisations that are actively working in the field of the valorization of transversal competences acquired by high performance athletes throughout their careers, helping them to integrate into the labour market once they retire.
  • To contribute to the networking and cooperation between educational institutions and sport bodies for the recognition of competences and qualifications that elite athletes acquire through the informal sports education as a part of or in addition to their formal education.
  • To guarantee the exploitation and sustainability of project results.
Project activities:
  • Analysis of the valorisation status and the recognition of transversal skills of elite athletes in Europe 
  • Best practices of valorisation and recognition of transversal skills of elite athletes
  • Training programme curricula for elite athletes on the topic of transversal skills 
  • European standars on valorisation of transversal skills gained during the sport career 
  • Methodological guidelines on the recognition and acknowledgement of transversal skills in elite athletes
  • Online training of elite athletes

    Social integration through parasport - PARAINSPIRED!

    Duration: 30.12.2018. – 30.09.2020.

    Parainspired Consortium:

    1. Provincial Sekretariat for Sports and Youth, Serbia, Coordinator
    2. Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH - partner
    3. Municipality Inđija, Serbia - partner
    4. Fund „European Affairs” of Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia – partner

      The "Social integration through parasport - PARAINSPIRED!" project is funded by the European Union funds under IPA II CBC Programme Sernia - Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2020 with the support of the Ministry of European Integration of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Directorate for the European Integration of Bosnian and Herzegovina.

      The main aim of teh project Parainspired is to support  the social integration trhough encouragement of the sustainable sports exchanges, in order to boost the participation of the persons with disabilities in sports activities in the cross border region between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

      Parainspired activities

      Procurement of sport equipment

      • 8 sport wheelchairs
      • 1 table tennis set
      • 1 volleyball set
      • Procurement of vehicle
      • Reserach
      • Educational material
      • Symposium organisation
      • Promotional trainings for athelets with disabilities
      • Exhibition matches

        Museum stories

        Coordinator: City of Sarajevo

        Beneficiary: Olympic Committee of BiH

        Aim of the project: Support two countries’ museums as guardians of historical and cultural heritage and traditions in cross border area, in terms of increasing their visibility, upgrading their capacities, improving their connections / cooperation and strengthening their place on the market of cultural tourism

        Activities of the project
        • Restauration of Museum items
        • Procurement of audio/visual equipment for Olympic Museum
        • Museum stories application
        • Traveling exhibitions 

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