OC BiH with friends visited the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids in Visoko

As part of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the WOG Sarajevo '84, friends of the OC BiH, representatives of the IOC, the EOC, the presidents and general secretaries of the Olympic Committees of the countries of the region visited the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids in Visoko, where they were hosted by the discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids, dr Semir Osmanagić.

The reason for the visit was a tour of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and the contents of the Archaeological-Tourist-Sports Complex "Ravne 2".

The delegation had the opportunity to listen to the story of the discoveries, visit the Endowment museum, the prehistoric underground Ravne tunnel complex and the park "Ravne 2".

The friends of OK BiH were visibly satisfied with what they saw, and what the Foundation does in Visoko, in addition to the archaeological and tourist aspects, also plays a major role in the sports aspect and support for local and foreign athletes.

In the sports complex OK BiH held a fantastic Olympic Day in 2023, with the presence of a large number of successful domestic and international sports names.

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