Olympic Day 2019 was held

Organized by the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and in cooperation with the Sports Association of the City of Mostar, Eco Center Blagaj and the Mountain Rescue Service of Sarajevo, a traditional sports event Olympic Day 2019 was held.

This year's event was opened at the Vrelo Bune by BiH Olympic skiers Emir Lokmić and Elvedina Muzaferija. The participants were addressed by the Vice President of the OC BiH Marijan Kvesić, the Ambassador of Japan H.E. Hideyuki Sakamoto, President of the Sports Federation of the City of Mostar Senad Kevelj, Director of Toyota Adria Group Kensuke Tsuči and Deputy Mayor of the City of Mostar Radmila Komadina,  who wished them to recognize their sporting potential through interesting sports presentations and represent Bosnia and Herzegovina at the upcoming Olympic Games.

In a beautiful setting, with the participation of more than 300 children from 23 primary schools in Mostar, as well as guests from the International Primary School QSI Vogošća, 10 sports were presented, namely: karate, gymnastics, judo, boxing, badminton, orienteering, archery, backgammon / chess, archery and sport climbing.

To the young participants of the Olympic Day, the secrets of the above mentioned sports were presented by coaches and athletes from Mostar clubs reinforced by top athletes Ivan Klepić, Ivona Ćavar and Petro Zadar, as well as legendary jumpers from the Old Bridge led by Lawrence List.

The gathering of participants took place with a children's smile and extreme satisfaction, as well as the promotion of universal Olympic values ​​- friendship, respect, excellence, fair play.

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