BiH Olympian Darko Radošević-Dako passed away

We are very sad to inform the sports and general public in our country that Darko Radošević passed away on Saturday, August 14, a few days before his 87th birthday.

Darko Radošević was born on August 17, 1934 in Jasenica (Bosanska Krupa). He is one of the most trophy-winning BiH athletes of all time. In the athletic world he is known as a Shot-putter, but even more so as a discus thrower. For 11 years in a row, he was the champion of the former Yugoslavia in this discipline (1956-1966), and he won the title of national champion in pentathlon and shot put. During his career, he set state records in discus throw on several occasions.

The crown of his career is winning 8th place in the final discus throw competition at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. He made his second Olympic appearance in 1964 in Tokyo when he was 15th. His huge collection of trophies also includes a gold medal from the Mediterranean Games, four gold medals from the Balkan Championships and a number of silver and bronze awards. He played for the Yugoslav national team 43 times, and was named Athlete of the Year five times in the "Oslobođenje" poll.

Throughout his career, he remained loyal to the Sarajevo Athletic Club, to which, after an active career, he contributed as a successful coach. At the same time, Darko Radošević-Dako performed a number of responsible functions in sports organizations and associations, and in that way made a great contribution to the development of Bosnia and Herzegovina sports in general.

Darko Radošević was also elected to the first Executive Committee of the OC BiH, on the day of the establishment of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, on June 4, 1992 in Sarajevo. On that historic day for BiH sports, prominent athletes and sports workers, representatives of 20 Olympic sports federations, despite the enormous war difficulties, held the Founding Assembly.

Thanks to all the above, Darko Radošević will remain recorded in golden letters in the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina sports, athletics in particular, as one of the most successful bh. athletes of all time.


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