NOC BIH is celebrating 28th Anniversary of its foundation

The Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established on the 4th of June, 28 years ago.

The Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established on the 4th of June, 28 years ago. 

The Founding Assembly, which convened on the 4th June 1992 was run by the working Presidency whose members were Ahmed Karabegović, Čedo Gojković and Miroslav Šipek, while Stjepan Kljuić was elected as the First President of the Committee. 

After its establishment and the first Game participation of athletes of our country at the Olympic games in Barcelona in 1992, on the 24th September 1993, OC BiH was officially recognised by the International Olympic Committee in Monaco. Participation at the Olympic games in Barcelona represented the first big victory of people loyal to sport in BiH, who have during the most difficult times of war been able to preserve the Olympic heritage from its utmost destruction.

Later, on the 8th December 2002, OC BiH was registered at the Ministry of Justice, as the first sport organisation which gathers national sport federations as its members. 

On 28th July 1992, OC BiH was established as a sport umbrella institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina, followed by an official registry, and rectifying the Lausanne Declaration. 

- In 28 years of existence, our athletes, who are the main priority of the Olympic Committee, have won numerous medals under the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They served as an example of Olympic values ​​that are not only tied to top sporting achievements, but also aimed at a better and nobler world in every possible sense. History shows that we have reasons to be proud, and the Olympic Committee will continue to develop sports in BiH in the future with quality work, openness and positive energy, said Izet Radjo, the president of the Olympic Committee of BiH. He added that the Olympic Committee of BiH today represents a credible international organization that provides Olympic hopes with long-term Olympic scholarships, finances their final preparations for competitions, develops camps and projects that support education, educates coaches and encourages the development of state sport structure through stronger organization of sports federations. Also, Radjo emphasized, that the Olympic Committee of BiH, together with the host cities, organized and successfully conducted the largest Winter Olympic Competition in Europe "EYOF 2019." despite the complex situation in our country.

- Commitment, work and dedication to provide athletes with the best conditions are a guarantee that we will continue to promote the importance of engaging in sports, Olympic principles of excellence in every field, understanding, peace and solidarity among people as components of Olympic action. On the other hand, our athletes, who show passion, perseverance, optimism, strength and self-confidence at competitions, for which they are known around the world, are the mental pillar of BiH and present the history of their country, said Marijan Kvesić, the Vice president of OC BiH. Kvesić added that the Olympic Committee of BiH, among other things, in addition to educational, in the past 28 years has implemented special infrastructural projects of the International Olympic Committee, which aimed at Zetra reconstruction,  the headquarters of the Olympic Committee of BiH and the building of the Olympic Museum that was destroyed.

Ahmed Karabegović, who chaired the Olympic Committee's Founding Assembly of BiH on June 4, 1992, said he was happy to be one of the founders of an institution that promotes, among other things, respect, friendship, gender equality and diversity.
- The Olympic Committee was established in the most difficult days of the war and has survived to this day and I am happy with the fact that I was actively participating in everything that BiH sport stood and still stands for as well as in the affirmation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, I am a little sad about the fact that, although 28 years have passed, the Olympic Committee of BiH is still not treated fairly in terms of allocated budget funds and our community invests very little in sports. Bosnia and Herzegovina abounds in sport talents and we should appreciate it more since we all know how important physical activity for the health of one nation is, saidKarabegović. From 1992 until today, the Olympic Committee has participated in 54 competitions with more than 1,000 of the best athletes, representatives of our country. Our athletes won 43 medals; 6 gold, 12 silver and 25 bronze.The first medals were granted to Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Mediterranean Games in Montpellier in 1993 by a karate fighter Eldin Pekmez - bronze medal, and the first gold medals were given to boxer Almedin Fetahović and basketball players led by Razija Mujanović. The first Executive Committee consisted of prominent Olympians, athletes and sport workers: Mirza Delibašić, Mirsad Fazlagić, Čedo Gojković, Ahmed Karabegović, Dragan Nožica, Ante Raos, Mehmed Sokolović, Miroslav Šipek and Katica Šporer.

Until now, the position of the President of the Olympic Committee of BiH has been held by: Stjepan Kljuić, Bogić Bogićević, Ahmed Karabegović, Ljiljanko Naletilić, Zdravko Radjenović, Prof. Dr. Milanko Mučibabić, Prof. Dr. Nadja Avdibašić-Vukadinović, Siniša Kisić, Marijan Kvesić and Prof. Dr. Izet Radjo, while Secretary General positions were filled by: Izudin Filipović, Sejdalija Mustafić and dr sci.Said Fazlagić.

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