OK BiH delighted the youngest with New Year's packages

As part of its New Year's humanitarian campaign, the BiH Olympic Committee, as a socially responsible organization, makes our little ones happy every year, which it did once again this year with 120 New Year's packages.

This year, OK BiH continued with the tradition of gifting New Year's packages to children.

The first distribution of packages was held with members of the humanitarian association "Sreća za sve" Travnik. On this occasion, doc. Dr. Said Fazlagić, General Secretary of the OK BiH, doc. Dr. Dejana Planinčić, doc. Dr. Maja Đurić and Ema Habul presented 40 packets, to the joy and happiness of the youngest.

The second distribution of packets took place with children aged from 1 to 3 years in Stolac. On this occasion, the Professional Service of OK BiH also handed out 40 packets to the youngest members of the kindergarten.

For the successful end of another year, elementary school students of the "First Elementary School" in Srebrenica were also awarded packets, which were handed over by OK BiH employee Suada Ramić and coach at the football school for girls and boys, Liljana Stjepanović.

The BiH Olympic Committee has always had great pleasure in cheering up the youngest, and will continue this tradition of awarding New Year's packets, because children's happiness and smiles are the greatest reward we can receive.

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