The Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a socially responsible non-governmental organization, has traditionally organized the distribution of packages to children throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It is nice to end a business and sports year with good deeds, especially if the deeds are aimed at children and those who expect and need help.

The Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a socially responsible non-governmental organization, has traditionally organized the distribution of packages to children throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. This year, we decided to distribute a total of 250 New Year's packages in four cities. In Brčko, we visited the association "Romani people in Action" in cooperation with the Youth Center VERMONT, Brčko, and the packages were distributed by the Vice President of the OC BiH, Mr. Siniša Kisić and Secretary General Said Fazlagić. Then, in cooperation with the Taekwondo Federation of BiH, we visited children in Livno, to whom the athletes of the Taekwondo Club "Magone" Livno, led by August Orlović, handed out packages and brought smiles to their faces. The Vice President Mr. Marijan Kvesić, together with Mrs. Kornelija Leko, a member of the Executive Committee of the OC BiH, and the Secretary General distributed packages for the users of the NAZARET Workshops in Mostar. Finally, we visited the Center for Early Intervention "Little World" in Lukavac - Tuzla, where the President of the Olympic Committee of BiH, prof.dr. Izet Rađo, Mrs. Kada Delić Selimović, Secretary General of the Special Olympics Federation and Mr. Zlatko Berbić, President of the Cycling Federation of BiH, handed out New Year's packages to the children with a special party.

The Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina wishes everyone a Happy New Year as we walk together faster, higher and stronger towards 2020.

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