Olympic Museum reaffirm the brightest moments of Olympic history

A grand opening ceremony was held in Sarajevo tonight. After 28 years, the renovated Olympic Museum opened its doors to athletes, citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world. On that occasion, Prof. Dr. Izet Radjo, President of the Olympic Committee of BiH, addressed many guests, whose speech we are transmitting in its entirety.

Your Serene Highness Prince Albert the Second,

Dear BiH representatives,

Esteemed Mayor of Sarajevo City, Mr Skaka,

Dear athletes, coaches, ladies and gentlemen, 

Today is indeed a special day. A day when once again we confirm the values upon which the brightest moments of our Olympic history are built. This history has showed to the whole world that we can organise the most important event that celebrates joy, peace, togetherness and tolerance. 

The strength of Winter Olympic Games in 1984 is depicted in its universality, because precisely these Games had the strength to unite mankind despite its many differences, making it a better and more peaceful place to live. 

EYOF Sarajevo/East Sarajevo 2019 oozed with this strength and was an expression of our best values at work.

Olympic spirit is an eternal elixir of wings of youth, new encounters and achievements, and medals which represent motivation for perseverance and faith in sport as our best friend. 

Pierre de Coubertin said: “The Olympic Games are a pilgrimage to the past and an act of faith in the future”.

This is what Olympic Museum represents.

Empowered by the lessons from our glorious Olympic past, the Museum will bring hope in the better future to the generations which are to come.  

We extend our appreciation to the President of the International Olympic Committee, dr Thomas Bach who shared his kind words with us through a video link.

 I would especially like to mention the Institutions without whose help Olympic Museum would not have been opened today, and those are International Olympic Committee, European Olympic Committees, Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Canton and UNESCO, as well as faithful sponsors of Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

We owe our sincerest gratitude to the City of Sarajevo and Mayor Mr Abdulah Skaka, for having recognised the importance of this project, and for helping us to guide our Olympic values together into the future, for the sake of all the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world. 

Dear athletes,

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the house which holds the legacy of the brightest moments of Olympic history.

Welcome to Olympic Museum in Sarajevo.

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