Sports Assistant of Ministry of Civil Affairs visited NOC BIH

Ms. Andja Kalem-Peric, Assistant of Minister, who is in charge of state sports, had an official visit to the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Presidency of OC BiH, composed of prof.dr. Izet Rađo, President, and Vice Presidents Mr. Marijan Kvesić and Mr. Siniša Kisić, introduced the Assistant of the Minister Adil Osmanovic, who is in charge of state sports with numerous projects of the BiH Olympic Committee this year. The President and Vice Presidents of OC BiH, especially emphasized the excellent organization of EYOF Sarajevo and East Sarajevo, support for the best athletes of BiH, 14 of them, in their intention to qualify for the Tokyo Olympics, renovation of the Olympic Museum, as well as numerous projects in which OC BiH is a special partner.

Furthermore, the concern of BiH professional sports federations for their functioning and financing of the best BiH athletes in order to adequately prepare and qualify for prestigious competitions, such as the Olympic Games, was also highlighted, especially in this pre-Olympic year when the Ministry of Civil Affairs grant will most likely not be implemented.  The President and Vice Presidents have made OC BiH available to the Ministry of Civil Affairs as a credible partner, which together with the Ministry wants to find solutions to strengthen BiH sports and adopt the best systemic solutions.

At the end of the visit, the Assistant of the Minister visited the permanent museum exhibition of the Sarajevo '84 Winter Olympic Games.

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