Support of the BiH Olympic Committee to the best athletes

On April 27, 2022, the 16th regular session of the Executive Committee of the OC BiH was held, chaired by prof. dr. Milanko Mučibabić together with the Vice Presidents of the OC BiH prof. dr. Izet Rađo and Marijan Kvesić. At the mentioned session, the activities of the OC BiH envisaged by the Plan and Program for the current year were discussed.

One of the most important topics was certainly the support of top athletes, especially athletes who participated in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics (Japan) with the achieved A norm (Amel Tuka-athletics, Larisa Cerić-judo, Mesud Pezer-athletics, Lana Pudar-swimming, and Nedžad Husić-taekwondo) who confirm top results even after the Olympic Games.

Recognizing the fact that the Olympics Paris 2024 (France), is in two years, the Olympic Committee of BiH has decided to award the above Olympians with A norm, with 10,000.00 KM, so they can plan preparations and performances and improve their results, and in the following period, they will try again to achieve the A Olympic norm for the Paris 2024 Olympics.

We note that OC BiH for the Olympics Paris 2024 in the pre-Olympic period (32 months) provides scholarships to 13 athletes, potential candidates for the Olympic norm, including the above-mentioned Olympians.

In addition to the mentioned Paris 2024 Olympic Games, OK BiH considered and made a decision to fully finance the participation of 22 athletes who are candidates for the highest-ranking and medals for the Mediterranean Games Oran 2022 (Algeria) as well as their 7 accompanying coaches (29 people in total).

OC BiH also left the possibility of co-financing to BiH sports federations for those athletes who show good results and the Mediterranean Games would help them gain additional experience and the opportunity to "prove" at major sports competitions.

In addition to this support, the Olympic Committee of BiH financed the final preparations and participation of athletes who participated in the recently held Winter EYOF Vuokatti 2022 (Finland), which took place from March 20 to 25, 2022.

The Olympic Committee of BiH will also finance the final preparations and participation of the best young athletes participating in the Summer EYOF Banska Bystrica 2022 (Slovakia), which will be held from July 24-30, 2022.

We note that OC BiH is an association that is not on the state budget, and provided these funds exclusively through projects and sponsorship agreements.

President of OC BiH Prof. Dr. Milanko Mučibabić: "On this occasion, OC BiH thanks the respected sponsors who support the work of OC BiH in these difficult times for sports.

We also note that we have not received any funds from state bodies so far, both from the Council of Ministers of BiH and from the entity ministries responsible for sports.

We expect that the state authorities will fulfill their obligations in the coming period, because the Olympic Committee of BiH represents the sport of Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with the sports federations of BiH and athletes, and we would have much more opportunities for better results if the state authorities and relevant ministries adequate funding, both for young athletes and potential and evident candidates for the 2024 Paris Olympics, and their federations and clubs from which they come. "

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