In the Olympic Committee of BiH on March 30, 2022. The 3rd regular Assembly of the Olympic Committee of BiH was held in the presence of delegates from 39 sports federations of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Delegates were presented with the Report of the Supervisory Board of OK BiH, Work Reports and Financial Report for the past year, as well as plans for the current 2022. Delegates unanimously adopted the presented reports and plans with many praises for the activities and work of the BiH Olympic Committee, in an extremely demanding and pandemic year 2021.

Despite the extremely complex economic situation in which top sport in BiH exists, without the adopted budget at the state level and the grant for top sport, all delegates expressed great satisfaction with the results achieved and activities of the BiH Olympic Committee and BiH sports federations as non-budget organizations.

"I am glad that all the reports were adopted unanimously, that we met all the set program and financial goals, and that we adequately and in accordance with our capabilities and mission supported our best athletes."

"The BiH Olympic Committee has enlarged its family by another full member. At today's session of the Assembly, the Carling Federation of BiH was admitted to the membership of the Olympic Committee of BiH, and the OK BiH now has 39 sports federations of Bosnia and Herzegovina (30 Olympic and 9 non-Olympic sports), and this number is increasing from year to year". said the President of the OK BiH, Prof. Dr. Milanko Mučibabić.

"We thank you on behalf of the Carling Association of BiH!" We especially thank the Presidency and members of the Executive Committee of the OK BiH, as well as the Secretary General who helped us to overcome all obstacles in the past two years on the path of registration of the Alliance. The idea for forming the Carling Federation of BiH arose during the European Youth Olympic Festival 2019 (EYOF 2019), when a group of sports workers was given the task of organizing a competition in curling, a sport that no club or federation had formed at that time. Today, we have formed clubs and federations that have their own organizational structure, members who work and competitors who train and perform in competitions. These days we had the First Championship of Bosnia and Herzegovina and we got the first champion of BC "Olympic" from East Sarajevo. We are facing many challenges, international competitions, admission to the WCF and preparations for the first appearance at the Winter Olympics in the next or later Olympic cycle. Why not! ”, said the President of the Carling Association of BiH, Miro Klepić, M.Sc.

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