The Olympic Committee of BiH continues the education of sports workers

The Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the auspices of the Olympic Solidarity of the International Olympic Committee, organized another in a series of educational events - a one-day technical course for coaches on the topic 'Scientifically based approach to the coaching profession.'

The training was carried out on the premises of the OC BiH on Saturday, December 17, 2022., in cooperation with the International Academy of Sciences and Arts in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Verlab Institute.

More than seventy coaches from Bosnia and Herzegovina had the opportunity to listen to lectures and learn from renowned regional and domestic experts. The training was opened by the President of the BiH Olympic Committee, prof. dr. Milanko Mučibabić, welcomed the lecturers, guests, and participants and stated that OC BiH will continue permanent education in all areas of sports, especially work with coaches, sports workers, athletes, and everyone who contributes to the development and progress of sports in Bosnia and Herzegovina. "In addition to a number of activities and areas of activity, the commitment of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina is to proactively act as an umbrella sports institution in the field of purposeful education of sports workers. Multidisciplinary educational activities and the synergy of scientific theory and practice are the basis for the development and future progress of BiH sports. The ultimate aim of the educational activities of sports workers is to apply new knowledge and skills in direct work with athletes and BiH national teams," said the president of OC BiH, Prof. dr Milanko Mučibabić.

The participants had the special honor of listening to academician prof. Dr. Asim Kurjak, gave a lecture on the topic: "Science and the Olympic spirit in the joint battle for psychological stability and mental health." Academician Kurjak emphasized the importance of scientifically based work in the coaching profession and sports in general as a social phenomenon. "It was with great pleasure that I responded to the invitation to lecture by the umbrella sports institution, the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Knowledge is the basis and pledges for the future, and scientific achievements and sports are inextricably linked. By working together, science and sport improve the mental and physical health of all generations and, ultimately, the overall health of society," emphasized Academician Kurjak.

In the continuation of the education, lectures followed:

  • Academician prof. dr. Izet Rađo: New technologies in sports;
  • Academician prof. dr. Velimir Srića: Learning from leadership consultants;
  • Academician prof. dr. Almir Badnjević: Application of artificial intelligence in sports performance predictions;
  • Prof. dr Zoran Milošević: Promotion of universal Olympic values through sport;
  • Prof. dr Tamer Bego: Genetic influence on sports performance: current challenges and future directions in the identification of talent for sports;
  • Mr. sci. Nazif Hasanbegović: Management of coaching careers.

Academician prof. dr Izet Rađo, Vice president of the OC BiH, moderator, and head of educational projects of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, pointed out that teamwork forms the basis of all success, especially in sports. "It is necessary that the professional approach in working with athletes be based on scientific achievements and multidisciplinary cooperation of institutions and individuals," pointed out Academician Rađo.

All participants received a certificate from the International Olympic Committee.

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