The "Winter Judo Camp" was successfully held in Zvornik

The regional judo camp seminar for competitors, judges, and coaches was held in Zvornik from January 27-29, 2023, with the participation of eminent experts and specialists from the aforementioned judo fields.

President of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, prof. dr. Milanko Mučibabić greeted those present on behalf of the Olympic family of Bosnia and Herzegovina and presented appropriate gifts. The president of OC BiH used the opportunity to thank the organizers, the Judo Federation of BiH, and the hosts Ognjen Pavlović and Dragan Božović for the excellent organization of the traditional judo camp.

Predsjednik OK BiH, prof. dr Milanko Mučibabić sa domaćinima Ognjenom Pavlovićem i Draganom Božovićem

Predsjednik OK BiH, prof. dr Milanko Mučibabić, potpredsjednik DŽS BiH Ognjen Pavlović i trener Ljubiša Majdov (najbolji trener Evrope u izboru EJU za 2017. godinu)
Predsjednik OK BiH, prof. dr Milanko Mučibabić, potpredsjednik DŽS BiH Ognjen Pavlović i trener Ljubiša Majdov (najbolji trener Evrope u izboru EJU za 2017. godinu)

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