Vlade Divac visited the Olympic Museum in Sarajevo

Today, in the newly opened building of the Olympic Museum, the exhibition "Vlade Divac - from Prijepolje to Springfield" was opened, as part of the project "Museum Stories", whose coordinator is the City of Sarajevo. Visitors will be able to see the exhibition for the next two weeks.

The exhibition was opened by Vlade Divac, a legendary basketball player and a great friend of the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the President of the NOC BIH Marijan Kvesić, and the Mayor of the City of Sarajevo, Abdulah Skaka.

"Sarajevo is the city of all of us and it is always nice to be here. I am glad that my friends from the NOC BIH managed to restore the Olympic Museum, which is important not only for Sarajevo, but also for the entire region," says Divac.

The exhibition "Vlade Divac - from Prijepolje to Springfield" is part of the rich collection that Vlade presented to the Museum in Prijepolje and which was presented to many visitors with a permanent exhibition in the gallery "Vlade Divac - basketball legend".

"I am especially pleased that today we can host our great friend and one of the most famous athletes from the region, Vlade Divac. We would like to emphasize and once again thank you, our dear friend for the efforts and commitment during the lobbying for the EYOF 2019 Sarajevo and East Sarajevo. We can rightly say that thanks to the personal engagement of Vlado Divac, at least one brick of the Olympic Museum has been walled up," said the President of the NOC BIH, Marijan Kvesić.

Vlade Divac & NOC BIH President Mr.Marijan Kvesić

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