Webinar of the Medical Commission of the NOC BIH

The Medical Commission of the National Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina held an interactive webinar on COVID-19 and elite sports. 

The interactive webinar was intended for NOC BIH scholarship holders for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. 

After the introductory lectures, the athletes participated in the discussion, and through the professional presentation of the lecturers, information of key importance for top sports in relation to the SARS-CoV-2 virus was exchanged.

In addition to the members of the Medical Commission, guest lecturers prof. dr Aida Pilav and doc. dr Rusmir Baljić presented newest knowledge with reference to previous information and experience from practice. Through the answers to the questions, the lecturers clarified numerous doubts and presented new perspectives regarding the virus infection itself, the training process and vaccination as the most current topics in this period.

You can watch webinar video at this link.

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